
Shukado Newsletter vol. 71

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Dear customers and friends,

Good evening from Kenshi of Shukado.
It's been very long time since I issued last newsletter.
I have to apologize my laziness...

I'm sure that there are common names in your countries.
For example, in Japan, we often meet people whose family name is Suzuki, Takahashi, and Tanaka.
(My boss's family name is quite common one actually. )

And the other day, I saw the news telling that there is a gathering of people having the same first and family names in Japan!
The name of the group is "Tanaka Hirokazu movement".

Now, there are 80 Tanaka Hirokazu participating in this movement.
And they are aiming to enter the guiness book of records.
For your information, the present guiness record is 165.
That is a long road to the record though, I hope that they break it someday.

And regarding Japanese art, we can also see the same names.
For instance, especially in the Kabuki play, each actor inherits the name, and the tradition still continues to the present day.
The following urls introduce the ukiyo-e depicting Kabuki actors.


On our website, we list many other prints of Kabuki actors.
I hope you enjoy them.

Sincerely yours,


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This page contains a single entry by 秋華洞 published on July 8, 2012 11:19 AM.

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